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Before and after photographs

back garden beds

back garden beds

east foundation before

east foundation before

east side house

east side house

ottawa south front garden before

ottawa south front garden before

ottawa south front garden

ottawa south front garden

road side alta vista before

road side alta vista before

road side planting alta vista

road side planting alta vista

road side planting bed

road side planting bed

riot of colour

riot of colour

square bed planting before

square bed planting before

square bed planting

square bed planting

walkway to back garden planting before

walkway to back garden planting before

walkway to back garden planting

walkway to back garden planting

corner lot before

corner lot before

corner lot after

corner lot after

corner lot before

corner lot before

corner lot after

corner lot after

before, new install

before, new install

after, burgundy highlights

after, burgundy highlights

lawn free all season garden before

lawn free all season garden before

lawn free all season garden

lawn free all season garden

lawn free all season garden

lawn free all season garden

lawn free all season garden

lawn free all season garden

shade side garden before

shade side garden before

shade side garden

shade side garden

sunny back garden before

sunny back garden before

sunny back garden

sunny back garden

sunny back garden before

sunny back garden before

sunny back garden

sunny back garden

shade garden before

shade garden before

shade garden

shade garden

shade garden before

shade garden before

shade garden

shade garden

a/c concealed before

a/c concealed before

a/c concealed

a/c concealed

a/c concealed

a/c concealed

orleans front bed

orleans front bed

orleans front bed

orleans front bed

foundation redo before

foundation redo before

foundation reno

foundation reno

foundation redo

foundation redo

foundation reno

foundation reno

back garden planting by cedar hedge before

back garden planting by cedar hedge before

back garden planting by cedar hedge

back garden planting by cedar hedge

1. Before, garden makeover 2017

1. Before, garden makeover 2017

New homeowners wanted to make this garden their own, free of grass with curb appeal and all season interest.

1. After, garden makeover 2017

1. After, garden makeover 2017

A selection of evergreen, deciduous and perennial plants give passers by a fresh look at this beautiful home.

2. Before, Navan kidney bed 2017

2. Before, Navan kidney bed 2017

Adding a new bed or renovating an older one has given the home owner great pleasure. A new street side bed to come!

2. After, Navan kidney 2017

2. After, Navan kidney 2017

The new bed has provided a great succession of blooms. From the bulbs and weeping crab apple in spring, to the hydrangea in the fall. Seasonal interest achieved.

3. Before, new walkway 2017

3. Before, new walkway 2017

An existing walkway is lost behind a beloved cedar. The entrance needed a more welcoming design.

3. After, new walkway 2017

3. After, new walkway 2017

A very welcome entrance for guests, however the short cut for the home owner still exists. Hard landscaping by JR Lawn and Snow. Planting will be installed spring 2018.

4. Before, back garden clean up 2017

4. Before, back garden clean up 2017

Invasive weeds need to be removed.

4. After, back yard clean up 2017

4. After, back yard clean up 2017

With the weeds removed, access to the bbq and entrance ways are very clear.

4. Before, back yard clean up 2017

4. Before, back yard clean up 2017

Nothing like some much needed pruning and weeding to see the hidden gems in this back garden.

4. After, back yard clean up 2017

4. After, back yard clean up 2017

A welcoming back garden now that all the shrubs and trees are pruned and the weeds are under control.

5. Before, narrow front garden 2017

5. Before, narrow front garden 2017

A few plants needed replacing. Bed needed to be freshly mulched too.

5. After, narrow front bed 2017

5. After, narrow front bed 2017

A few new plants refreshed this bed and the mulch will keep any weeds down and the soil from drying out.

6. Before,front yard renovation 2017

6. Before,front yard renovation 2017

The stonework was installed and I was called in to provide a sketch for a front yard low maintenance garden.

6. After, front yard renovation 2017

6. After, front yard renovation 2017

Freshly graded, newly laid sod, planting and mulching further complement a beautiful home renovation.

6. Before, back yard touch up 2017

6. Before, back yard touch up 2017

The back of the yard is mostly shade. Some random stones edged ground cover under the oak tree.

6. After, back yard touch up 2017

6. After, back yard touch up 2017

The left corner features a Pagoda Dogwood, under planted with a selection of colourful hosta.

7. Before, mid triplex garden 2017

7. Before, mid triplex garden 2017

The home owner of the middle garden of the triplex, decided to carry on the theme of a stone base with planters.

7. Before, mid triplex garden 2017

7. Before, mid triplex garden 2017

Stone base complete.

7. After, mid triplex garden 2017

7. After, mid triplex garden 2017

Boston ferns fill the containers and are a low maintenance option, while still looking great.

8. Before, corner lot 2017

8. Before, corner lot 2017

A tired garden is ready for a renovation.

8. After, corner lot 2017

8. After, corner lot 2017

With the overgrown plant material removed or pruned hard, new plantings will grow and fill the garden for many more years to come. Service people now have easy access for reading the meter.

8. After, corner lot 2017

8. After, corner lot 2017

Beds were shaped, new soil was added, plants installed and mulch completes the look.

8. Before, corner lot 2017

8. Before, corner lot 2017

The front of the house needed updating as well. These shrubs were removed.

8. After, corner lot 2017

8. After, corner lot 2017

Shade loving plants installed and instead of walking through dirt and barely there grass, flag stones were laid for ease of access. The trees were edged and finished with mulch.

8. Before, corner lot 2017

8. Before, corner lot 2017

The front left corner of the house. The large cedar stayed but the rest of the over grown plant material was removed.

8. After, corner lot 2017

8. After, corner lot 2017

New shade loving plants were installed and add a nice bit of interest under the front picture window. The flag stones lead you from the front door patio to the side of the home.

8. Before, shade back garden 2017

8. Before, shade back garden 2017

Perennials in a narrow bed needed lifting and dividing. The scale of the garden was addressed too.

8. After, shade back garden 2017

8. After, shade back garden 2017

The garden in this established neighbourhood, provides a wonderful canopy above, offering beautiful shade all summer long.

8. After, shade back garden 2017

8. After, shade back garden 2017

We increased the depth of the bed to accommodate a selection of evergreen, deciduous and perennial plants.

9. Before, narrow back bed 2017

9. Before, narrow back bed 2017

What used to be a wide over grown cedar hedge, has become a cedar fence with a long narrow planting area.

9. After, narrow back bed 2017

9. After, narrow back bed 2017

A selection of evergreen, deciduous and perennial plants were installed and the area finished with mulch. Climbing vines were also planted along the fence.

9. Before, narrow back bed 2017

9. Before, narrow back bed 2017

Once the fence was installed, the garden area needed to be sifted through repeatedly. We wanted to remove old roots, ground covers and well established weeds that went unnoticed under the hedge.

9. After, narrow back bed 2017

9. After, narrow back bed 2017

Gazing up from the back corner, a nice selection of colour, seasonal blooms and different shaped plants happily replace what once was an overgrown cedar hedge.

9. After, narrow back bed 2017

9. After, narrow back bed 2017

A view from a small porch reveals formality with a little twist. The opposing raised bed is where the family grow vegetables. Vines are planted along the exposed fence panels.

9. After, narrow garden bed 2017

9. After, narrow garden bed 2017

Walking through a garden gate reveals a beautiful new side garden. Columnar trees offer seasonal change that are viewed from a kitchen window.

9. After, narrow garden bed 2017

9. After, narrow garden bed 2017

Columnar yews provide a contrasting back drop to the everblooming roses. Vines are planted along the exposed fence.

10. Before, Greely 2017

10. Before, Greely 2017

New homeowners wanted to update this foundation planting.

10. After, Greely 2017

10. After, Greely 2017

After removing much of the original plant materials, the beds were cut, soil added and new materials planted.

10. Before, Greely 2017

10. Before, Greely 2017

Overgrown material before the renovation.

10. After, Greely 2017

10. After, Greely 2017

Newly planted materials and mulch, update this lovely country property.

10. Before, Greely 2017

10. Before, Greely 2017

Weeds and overgrown plants distracted from the simple facade of this country property.

10. After, Greely 2017

10. After, Greely 2017

A small upright Spruce tree on the far right corner of the planting bed, will slowly grow as the new homeowners set their own roots in this lovely country home.

10. After, Greely 2017

10. After, Greely 2017

A closer look at the foundation planting, with the blue of the lake in the back ground.

11. Before, Condo back garden 2017

11. Before, Condo back garden 2017

This garden is only accessible through the home. We planned on removing the grass, adding soil, installing plants and mulch finishing with a flagstone path to a proposed garden bench. The view is from a second story balcony.

11. After, condo back garden 2017

11. After, condo back garden 2017

After bringing all the materials through the home, the garden is complete. All that's needed is a garden seat at the end of the garden path against the fence. The view is from a second story balcony. This is a shade garden.

11. Before, condo back garden 2017

11. Before, condo back garden 2017

This photo is taken from the patio, located under the second story balcony.

11. After, condo back garden 2017

11. After, condo back garden 2017

This photo is taken from a patio located under the second story balcony. The path walks you through the garden, and we plan on putting a bench at the end of it, against the fence.

12. Before, street view 2016     .

12. Before, street view 2016 .

The weeds and unwanted grasses needed to be removed by hand, from between the rockery stone and the garden.

12. After, street view 2016

12. After, street view 2016

Once the weed and grass roots were removed, the existing hosta were divided and transplanted. The garden will be observed and weeded if necessary this spring, before mulch is applied.

12. Before, overgrown front 2016

12. Before, overgrown front 2016

Front garden bed needed to be thoroughly weeded and reorganized.

12. After, front bed 2016

12. After, front bed 2016

Once the unwanted grass and weeds were hand dug, the existing hosta were divided and planted.

13. After, back garden reno 2016

13. After, back garden reno 2016

Sod was removed and planting soil added before the garden plants were installed. I finished off with composted pine mulch to help keep the weeds down and the moisture in the ground. The stepping stones lead from the existing patio to a back gate, opening up to large green space.

13. After, back yard garden 2016

13. After, back yard garden 2016

A mostly shade garden was planted with an assortment of shade loving plants, to provide all season interest.

14. Before, statue garden 2016

14. Before, statue garden 2016

An existing planting bed will be enlarged to soften the fence line and remove the patchy lawn under the tree. The homeowner has a lovely selection of cement statuary that will be included in the design.

14. After, statue garden 2016

14. After, statue garden 2016

The statuary was spread out, existing plants reorganized or removed, and a few new plant selections installed to tie this look all together.

14. After, statue garden 2016

14. After, statue garden 2016

Vertical evergreens soften the fence line. A repetition of burgundy, green and white maintain a peaceful setting, avoiding any competition with the statuary.

15. Before, veggies wanted 2016

15. Before, veggies wanted 2016

Growing vegetables along side an active dog can prove difficult. The home owner wanted to keep some grass pool side but grow some edibles too.

15. After, veggies wanted 2016

15. After, veggies wanted 2016

Two raised planters were built to grow vegetables. The existing perennials were transplanted with the bed neatly edged and mulched.

16. Before, secret city garden 2016

16. Before, secret city garden 2016

The approach to the back garden. With the large deciduous trees casting more and more shade every year, what once was a sun/shade garden has become a full shade garden.

16. After, secret city garden 2016

16. After, secret city garden 2016

The approach to the back garden. Large hosta specimens were divided and spread out to fill in this back city garden. This was a very cost effective option.

16. Before, secret city garden 2016

16. Before, secret city garden 2016

Clumps of hosta can be lifted and divided to fill in the empty garden spaces. Additional planting soil will be added to enrich the existing soil.

16. After, secret city garden 2016

16. After, secret city garden 2016

Before long, the newly transplanted perennials will be filling out, creating a delightful secret retreat in the middle of the city.

16. Before, secret city garden 2016

16. Before, secret city garden 2016

A quiet retreat in need of a little tlc. Plants will be divided and spread out throughout the garden.

16. After, secret city garden 2016

16. After, secret city garden 2016

With the shade plants divided and spread out, the garden is fuller, nicely spaced and all freshened up.

17. Before, town house garden 2015

17. Before, town house garden 2015

A little renovation will add some curb appeal.

17. After, town house garden 2015

17. After, town house garden 2015

A dry river bed helps with spring water run-off. An assortment of perennials will bloom from spring to fall.

18. Before, front renovation 2015

18. Before, front renovation 2015

The existing foundation planting was in need of a renovation. Perennials to be thinned and spaced.

18. After, front renovation 2015

18. After, front renovation 2015

A brick edge defines the border. Plants were spaced with a few new additions. A new lawn was installed. Preparation and sodding was completed by Mooney's Bay Landscaping.

18. Before, front renovation 2015

18. Before, front renovation 2015

The lawn was in disrepair and the garden bed needed to be redefined.

18. After, front renovation 2015

18. After, front renovation 2015

The Hosta were re-organized and divided with room to grow again.

18. Before, sloped back yard 2015

18. Before, sloped back yard 2015

The garden has a steep slope up leading to a gate, accessing a public green space. An existing perennial garden (in front of the cedar) was not disturbed during the renovation.

18. After, sloped back yard 2015

18. After, sloped back yard 2015

The new steps have allowed the home owner much easier access to the top garden and exit gate. A landing at about the 3/4 mark provides a rest stop and area for a few pots or a chair.

18. Before, sloped back yard 2015

18. Before, sloped back yard 2015

Along the slope to the opposite corner, raspberries had slowly taken over. The area will be stripped, new soil added, a stair case built into the slope, new plantings installed and then re-sodded.

18. After, sloped back yard 2015

18. After, sloped back yard 2015

The once weedy back corner is now home to an assortment of flowering shrubs and perennials. Composted pine mulch will help to keep the moisture in and the weeds under control.

18. Before, sloped back yard 2015

18. Before, sloped back yard 2015

The view across the back of the home.

18. After, sloped back yard 2015

18. After, sloped back yard 2015

View from the top landing. A welcome retreat on a warm summers day.

18. After, sloped back yard 2015

18. After, sloped back yard 2015

A view looking down to the house. The newly sodded lawn was laid up to the existing foundation planting, where a lovely assortment of shrubs, perennials and annuals shine.

19. Before, lawn-free front 2015

19. Before, lawn-free front 2015

A patch work of garden beds in a thinning lawn, required an updated look.

19. After, lawn-free front yard 2015

19. After, lawn-free front yard 2015

Pachysandra will fill in up to the stone path that leads you to the back yard. A collection of shrubs and perennials work their magic under the Maple tree.

19. Before, lawn-free front 2015

19. Before, lawn-free front 2015

A resident dog used the front garden to sit and watch the squirrels at play. The lawn was very thin needing replacement or removal. Given all the shade, we opted for the lawn free version.

19. After, lawn-free front yard 2015

19. After, lawn-free front yard 2015

Shade loving plants under the Maple tree by the house. A stepping stone path to the side yard, with a bed of Pachysandra to slowly spread from the path to under the street tree (not shown).

20. After, reduced lawn 2015

20. After, reduced lawn 2015

We decided to leave a skirt of lawn because it hadn't been damaged by grubs like the other areas. The grasses are very small at planting time. They will grow to 5' each year, providing wonderful fall colour and delightful movement in the wind.

20. After, reduced lawn 2015

20. After, reduced lawn 2015

An inviting path to access the garden and draw the eye either to the front entrance or around to the left side garden. A lovely mix of colour without being too busy.

20. After, reduced lawn 2015

20. After, reduced lawn 2015

The remaining sod was top dressed and reseeded. Stepping stones lead you through the garden to either the road or the side yard. Use of low maintenance plants (trees, evergreens, deciduous shrubs, perennial flowering plants and grasses) provide all season colour.

21. Before, foundation bed 2015

21. Before, foundation bed 2015

The garden bed was created with the hard landscape installation.

21. After, foundation bed 2015

21. After, foundation bed 2015

Simple yet colourful collection of low maintenance perennials and shrubs, make for tasteful eye candy.

21. Before, street view 2015

21. Before, street view 2015

Lawn will be replaced and the garden enlarged.

21. After, new lawn and garden 2015

21. After, new lawn and garden 2015

A new lawn, larger planting bed and voila, lovely low maintenance curb appeal.

22. Before, retaining wall 2015

22. Before, retaining wall 2015

The red bricks could no longer prevent the soil from washing away. Ledge rock will be leveled and laid to create a very pleasing wall.

22. After, retaining wall 2015

22. After, retaining wall 2015

The wall was back filled with fresh planting soil to support the transplanted collection of Hosta.

23. Before, berm 2015

23. Before, berm 2015

An overgrown garden that provided many years of pleasure was in need of an over-haul. The orange mulch also needed to be updated.

23. After, berm renovation 2015

23. After, berm renovation 2015

With the plants installed, composted pine mulch applied and the stepping stones placed, this garden is ready for viewing.

23. After, berm renovation 2015

23. After, berm renovation 2015

Spacing indicates there will be enough room for plants to develop without over crowding. The black bucket and stones indicate the water feature is still being cleaned out by the home owner.

24. Before, narrow back garden 2015

24. Before, narrow back garden 2015

Water runs along the fence line to a drain in the corner. My client wanted to enjoy the garden from their deck. Photo was taken from the deck that was built along the back of their home.

24. After, narrow back yard 2015

24. After, narrow back yard 2015

A selection of evergreens, deciduous and perennial plants soften the stone and provide all season interest.

24. Before, narrow backyard 2015

24. Before, narrow backyard 2015

Looking from the drainage corner, between the fence and the deck. The neighbourhood features two storey homes, so planting a few trees in advantageous locations was a must.

24. After, narrow back yard 2015

24. After, narrow back yard 2015

River wash stone was set along the fence for drainage. Stepping stones wrap around the deck in a serpentine fashion, to access the vegetable garden on the far side of the deck. Trees were strategically planted to provide shade and privacy from neighbouring second storey windows.

24. After, narrow back yard 2015

24. After, narrow back yard 2015

Looking toward the gate leading to the front yard, ornamental grass and Columnar Crab Apples soften the neighboring fence line. The Apples will provide privacy from the neighbors raised deck too.

25. Before, foundation and lawn 2015

25. Before, foundation and lawn 2015

Overgrown foundation plants and a tired lawn were in need of a total overhaul.

25. After, foundation and lawn '15

25. After, foundation and lawn '15

Pruning some of the original foundation plants and adding some new specimens, freshened up the front of this home. The new bed wraps around to the front sidewalk, and new plants soften the chain link fence that separate the properties. A stepping stone path leads to a rain barrel at the side of the house. New sod was installed.

25. Before, fence line 2015

25. Before, fence line 2015

Unwanted plant material took hold along the neighbouring fence line.

25. After, fence line 2015

25. After, fence line 2015

Acanthropanax are used to soften the fence line. Composted Pine Mulch helps to keep the weeds down and the moisture in....a low maintenance garden indeed.

26. Before, 2010

26. Before, 2010

Foundation renovation. Overgrown material to be removed and replaced. Two diseased Spruce removed from the lawn as well.

26. After, 2015

26. After, 2015

A welcoming front entrance.

26. Before 2010

26. Before 2010

A large juniper overwhelmed the corner of the house.

26. After, 2015

26. After, 2015

A fresh appearance lightens up and adds interest to this home.

26. Before, 2010

26. Before, 2010

Without the juniper on the corner, light once again brightens the home.

26. After, 2015

26. After, 2015

A Pagoda Dogwood among other shrubs, has lightened the appearance and added interest to the foundation planting.

27. Before, lawn removal 2013

27. Before, lawn removal 2013

The home owner wanted to reduce their outdoor summer maintenance. I replaced the lawn with plant material, composted pine mulch, a flagstone walkway and river wash stone.

27. After, lawn removal 2013

27. After, lawn removal 2013

A flagstone path invites the homeowner to stroll through the garden accessing the road.

27. After, lawn removal 2013

27. After, lawn removal 2013

The area under the blue spruce has a stone-dust base, for ease in raking of any fallen needles. A welcome spot for Buddha.

28. Before, lawn removal 2014

28. Before, lawn removal 2014

An unsightly lawn over taken by dandelions, has become a welcome retreat. The Standard Palibin Lilac was saved.

28. After, lawn removal 2014

28. After, lawn removal 2014

River wash stone borders a side walk, with interesting low maintenance plants providing all season interest.

28. After, lawn removal 2014

28. After, lawn removal 2014

A welcoming bench where you can take a break and enjoy the garden.

29. Before, street view 2013

29. Before, street view 2013

The existing red mulch and what's left of the lawn will be removed. A new patio, walkway and plantings will provide much greater curb appeal.

29. After, street view 2013

29. After, street view 2013

The patio can accommodate a bbq, seating and containers for herbs, vegetables or flowers. Stone work by JR Landscape and Snow.

29. Before, street view 2013

29. Before, street view 2013

A wrap around public viewing space, calls for a new selection of plant material.

29. After, street view 2013

29. After, street view 2013

An all season garden, provides interest for all passers-by.

29. After, street view 2013

29. After, street view 2013

A low maintenance garden is a welcome contrast to the former garden.

29. Before, utility box 2013

29. Before, utility box 2013

The utility box is surrounded by dogwood shrubs. I wanted to further distract from this eye sore.

29. After, utility box 2016

29. After, utility box 2016

I added a couple of black trellises and hardy roses to distract from the utility box. The existing dogwood shrubs around the utility box, were pruned back because they were starting to obscure the site lines on the corner of the property.

30 Before, street view 2014

30 Before, street view 2014

The home owner would like a lawn free front yard.

30. After, front yard 2014

30. After, front yard 2014

A flagstone skirt was laid along the roadway and driveway, providing a clean and interesting stone pad. Large boulders, evergreens, blue berries, flowering shrubs and perennials round off this welcoming, low maintenance front garden.

30. After, street view 2014

30. After, street view 2014

Ornamental grass delineate the property line, behind a patch of glossy Pachysandra.

31. After, back yard retreat 2013

31. After, back yard retreat 2013

A lawn free garden with stepping stones to access a lovely assortment of plants that provide colour all season long.

31. After, back yard retreat 2013

31. After, back yard retreat 2013

A lovely space to spend some quiet time.

32. After, lawn free garden 2013

32. After, lawn free garden 2013

A lawn free, low maintenance garden. Ornamental grasses, evergreens, flowering shrubs and perennials provide food for birds and butterflies through the season.

32. After, lawn free garden 2013

32. After, lawn free garden 2013

A weeping Crab Apple adds interest all year round to a front yard garden.

32. After, lawn free garden 2013

32. After, lawn free garden 2013

A flagstone path gives access across the front of the house, through a delightful assortment of perennials.

33. After, back garden 2014

33. After, back garden 2014

The view from the patio, is of a mostly shaded garden.

33. After, back garden 2014

33. After, back garden 2014

A dry river bed draws your eye through the garden. A patio to the right, draws the home owner to sit and enjoy the garden up close.

34. Before, back yard 2014

34. Before, back yard 2014

The back yard has little privacy, surrounded by two story homes, with very few trees.

34. After, back yard 2014

34. After, back yard 2014

As you pass through the entrance gate, your attention is no longer drawn to the second story of the surrounding homes, but to the newly planted garden beds and welcoming patio.

34. After, back yard 2014

34. After, back yard 2014

I added six trees to the garden to provide the home owner with not only privacy, but with some much needed shade. Stone work by JR Lawn and Snow.

34. Before, back yard 2014

34. Before, back yard 2014

The before view, from the entrance gate.

34. After, back yard 2014

34. After, back yard 2014

A Red Maple, three Columnar Crab Apples, a Service Berry, a Locust, two groupings of Emerald Cedar along with smaller shrubs/perennials and a space for vegetables, make for a lovely back yard retreat.

35. Before, front yard 2014

35. Before, front yard 2014

Existing foundation and garden beds needed reshaping and renovation, with attention paid to creating focal points and greater interest.

35. After, front yard  2014

35. After, front yard 2014

A large specimen evergreen, groupings of flowering shrubs, spreading evergreens and perennials provide greater curb appeal with a lovely focal point.

35. After, front yard  2014

35. After, front yard 2014

The contrasting colourful plants make for a lovely street view garden.

36. Before, main entrance 2014

36. Before, main entrance 2014

The walkway will be replaced and new gardens will be added to soften the entrance and the back yard fence line.

36. After, main entrance 2014

36. After, main entrance 2014

A wider walkway with new plantings, beautify the stroll to the front door. Stone work by JR Lawn and Snow.

36. Before, main entrance 2014

36. Before, main entrance 2014

New beds will be cut along the side of the house and along the fence line.

36. After, main entrance 2014

36. After, main entrance 2014

An assortment of low maintenance broadleaf evergreens, evergreens and flowering shrubs, welcome guests and provides a pleasing view from the street.

37. After, lawn free front yard 2014

37. After, lawn free front yard 2014

A lawn free front garden. Fortunately there's a sunny pocket for a lovely show of roses, barberry, lavender and a Standard Hydrangea. The pathway divides the sun from the shade where Pachysandra will fill in to keep the garden cool and fresh. A garden bench will be put on the flagstone pad, for the perfect spot to share an afternoon iced tea.

37. After, lawn free front yard 2014

37. After, lawn free front yard 2014

A gentle curve unites the new garden to the existing lawn.

38. Before, front entrance 2014

38. Before, front entrance 2014

There was little interest at the front entrance to this home. A garden with stepping stones to the side yard, brightened up an otherwise underwhelming front yard.

38. After, front entrance 2014

38. After, front entrance 2014

A nice complement to the unique front entrance of the home.

38. After, front entrance 2014

38. After, front entrance 2014

The Mountain Ash will add some height to the front of the home. A lovely assortment of shrubs and perennials make for all season interest.

39. Property, on-going 2014

39. Property, on-going 2014

A fall garden in all its glory.

39. Property, on-going 2014

39. Property, on-going 2014

A lovely fall display.

40. Before, front yard bed 2014

40. Before, front yard bed 2014

One end of this triplex wanted a low maintenance attractive garden to enhance their lovely facade.

40. During renovation 2014

40. During renovation 2014

Once we cleaned the bed, the property already took on a much tidier appearance.

40. Winter display 2015

40. Winter display 2015

Click on image to enlarge.

40. Winter display 2014

40. Winter display 2014

After removing the weeds, three stone borders were installed, levelled with river stone. The planters were filled to celebrate the winter season being replaced with ornamental grass in the spring time.

41. Property, on-going 2014

41. Property, on-going 2014

A mature Weeping Norway Spruce is a perfect focal point for the garden.

41. Property, on-going 2014

41. Property, on-going 2014

A renovated garden with an assortment of colours that are repeated throughout.

41. Property, on-going 2014

41. Property, on-going 2014

The view from the back door and the dining room window.

42. Property, school playground 2014

42. Property, school playground 2014

A butterfly garden installation, at an elementary school in Bar Haven.

43. Property, garden renovation 2014

43. Property, garden renovation 2014

The back garden was re-edged and existing plant materials were transplanted and divided for better balance. A few new perennials completed the design.

43. Property, garden renovation 2014

43. Property, garden renovation 2014

Newly edged beds with transplanted and divided perennials.

44. Property, re-edge/clean up 2014

44. Property, re-edge/clean up 2014

A large swooping shade garden. If the edging is clean and gentle, your garden will look amazing.

45. Before, design and planting 2014

45. Before, design and planting 2014

The home owner was ready to update the entrance. They wanted a place to sit to watch their children play in the yard.

45. After, design and planting 2014

45. After, design and planting 2014

A welcoming front entrance, has provided the home owners suitable walking space with ample room for furniture. Low maintenance planting beds work with the curves of the patio, while providing all season interest.

45. After, design and planting 2014

45. After, design and planting 2014

Gentle wide steps transition easily from lane way to patio. Stone work by JR Lawn and Snow.

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More than 25 years' experience in landscape design, renovation and installation.







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